Feb 17,2022      BY   Shahista Tabassum

5 Ways To Improve Your Arabic Speaking Skills

Arabic is a popular language spoken by 400 million people. Most of the Arabic-speaking countries are in the Middle East and the Northern regions of Africa. The language, as well as the Arab culture, has vital historical importance. There are many borrowed words from Arabic, Persian, and Turkish used in Urdu. 

As of 2021, it is the official language of 25 Middle Eastern and African countries. Arabic language proficiency will open doors to countless job opportunities and will be a gateway to access various resources. In addition, Arab-speaking countries offer much to the global market. Farsi or Persian, Turkish, Urdu and even Hebrew languages have similar words to that of the Arabic language. In a nutshell, Middle Eastern countries have a prominent role in history, and the Arabic language is critical. 

Top Ways To Improve Your Arabic Speaking Skills

There are several ways you can learn a language. However, here are the most critical steps that you can follow to gain Arabic language expertise.

  • Start with the basics

  • Learn Grammar

  • Make your dictionary and learn to use the Arabic dictionary

  • Speak the language

  • Read Arabic Books

Learning the Arabic language will give you an idea and understanding of other languages as well. There are several reasons the Arabic language is imperative today. If you want to build your Arabic speaking skills, here are five ways!

1. Start with the basics

Start learning from the basics. First, learn the letters and then easy words of the Arabic language. Learning proper syntax and grammar is also very significant in building Arabic speaking skills. Be sure to learn the essentials like Yes, No, Where, When, Why, etc. 

2. Learn Grammar

Grammar is an essential aspect of a language. After learning the basic words and phrases of the Arabic language, it is time to learn grammar. There are hundreds of grammar rules. As a beginner, you can start with basic grammar rules. The basic grammar rules refer to sentence structure and parts of speech of the language. 

3. Make your dictionary and learn to use the Arabic dictionary

Make a small dictionary for yourself. Learn unfamiliar words every day and try to use them in your speech. This is an excellent way to widen your vocabulary. Make a target to learn five to ten daily words and do not forget to use them while you speak.

This task is not as easy as it sounds. In an Arabic dictionary, words are organized around three-letter roots. Using the dictionary takes practice, but the sooner you learn it, the better. This step will help you enhance your vocabulary and use more words in conversation. Remember that you use the newly learnt words in your conversation not to forget it. 

4. Speak the language

Now that you know the basic sentence framing and tenses, a language class or spoken Arabic classes can quickly help you improve your language learning. A language teacher can guide you through various practices and help strengthen your weak areas. Thus, you can dramatically improve your speaking by having a natural conversation. Then, with the help of a tutor, you can learn the sound and achieve fluency. 

Use your classroom sessions to make conversations with your friends and teachers. Getting involved in various language building activities will also help you improve your spoken Arabic language skills.

5. Read Arabic Books

Read your favourite books loudly. Never mind the speed of your reading, but focus on the sentence structure, words and grammatical usages. Use language learning apps where you can talk to speaking robots. Speak out loud to yourself in front of a mirror. Speech Shadowing is also an efficient technique to help you improve your language skills.

Let’s Conclude

The Arabic language is in high demand. The language proficiency will help you learn better about the fascinating Arab culture, literature, region’s unique way of life, cuisine, music and art. So if you wish to learn the Arabic language, start your journey with the first step!

Shahista Tabassum

Shahista Tabassum is a senior IT Technical Trainer at Time Training Center Abu Dhabi.  She has an extensive work experience of 11 years working in various roles as a software developer, It Consultant and Technical Trainer. She spends her free time learning new things that will enhance productivity and in volunteering activities that help kids to learn new things. You can find her on LinkedIn.

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